Saturday, May 7, 2011

Taking Care of Business

U.S. Census Bureau statistics show that the number of stay-at-home moms is increasing each year. However, stay-at-home moms aren’t the only ones concerned. According to a 2002 report by the U.S. Census Bureau, "stay-at-home" dads numbered 189,000. Although this number does not compare to the approximate 11 million "stay-at-home moms" the trend of one parent staying at home and raising their children is on the increase. Many parents like yourself are genuinely concerned and are taking control of their children’s future.

Because there is nothing that can replace the bond between parent and child, parents need to know that a child’s brain development is most affected from infancy – 6 years of age. It is also the ages in which parents will learn and understand their child’s individual abilities and capacity for learning. By introducing educational toys into daily play time, not only will parents be making crucial investments of quality bonding time with their children, they will also be preparing their children for what lies ahead.

Research shows that educational toys are a great resourse for the development of a child's educational and developmental success. Advances of any society depends upon a parent's desire and ability to foster the health and well-being of their children, the next generation. In other words, parents have a responsibility to their children to prepare them for what lies ahead. So spend much time with your children, introduce educational toys during interactive play and you may have the Nobel Prize winner.

1 comment:

kids shorts said...

Hands on moms still have the chance to earn extra income through working from home.