Thursday, September 17, 2009

Positive Mean Plus

Over 4 million children are born each year in the USA. From the moment that a child is born their brain begins to grow and develop to help them interact with the world around them. Although infants have a long way to go in both the physical and mental realm, their brain already has the capacity to let you know they have a need, it’s called crying.

Studies reveal that a parents/caregivers positive and quick response to meet an infant’s needs stimulates the brains neuronal connections and influences their behavior. Studies further indicate that the higher the quality of childcare, the greater a child’s educational and developmental skills will become and the fewer behavioral problems that occur in the future. Basically, children who have developed secure attachments with loving and caring parents and or caregivers early in life will be better students and be able to make positive social adjustments as adults.

Introducing educational toys to your child during crucial brain development periods gives your child's brain a "head start". Through educational play parents can connect on many developmental levels and allow their child to have many positive experiences while having fun. Investing in your child today will open the door for him or her to become a successful and productive adult tomorrow.

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