Thursday, September 3, 2009

Challenging Your Child's Brain Development

Your child began learning the moment he or she was born. Research reveals that a child’s brain develops up to 90% during the first six years of life but the first three years are the most important. In fact the first year of life a child’s brain more than doubles in size and by age three it is twice as active as an adult’s brain meaning that it has twice the amount of brain connections.

This is very important to grasp because parents, grandparents and or caregivers play an important role in early brain development which will have a great impact upon a child’s future. This applies to both positive and negative experiences that a child is exposed to. An environment for healthy brain development is created simply through daily play and personal interaction. Challenging a child’s sensory skills, seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, tasting, balancing, and body awareness, supplies the brain with information so that a child can explore and interact with the world around them. One way to accomplish this is to introduce educational toys into your child's daily play.

There are no special tricks or formulas for helping children to become successful, productive adults. Just keep these simple but powerful developmental tools in mind, keep on playing, talking, reading and interacting with your child because activity, experiences and stimulation have a great deal to do with how the brain is “Wired”. Parents, grandparents and or caregivers can make a significant difference in a child’s early development. Don’t think you can, know you can!

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