Saturday, March 7, 2009

Funny People

It has been said, "A happy heart is good medicine and a cheerful mind works healing". One of the best things that promotes a happy heart and a cheerful mind, is laughter. No matter where we go we can find people who have the knack to make us laugh. Whether media such as television or movies, shows seen on Broadway or the circus, people that we know, friends or family, all around us we can find funny people, people who can make us laugh. Everyone needs an occasional side sticker, tears flowing down the cheeks laugh no matter how young or old.

Educational toys like the Funny People Twister Panel is just the medicine for children. Turning the head, body, and legs of a Doctor, Cave Man, Fire Man, Ballerina, Indian Chief, Police Officer, Mermaid, Construction Worker, and Pirate will have kids "rolling" with laughter, while they use logic, learn color recognition, and challenge analytical skills. The Funny People Twister Panel is surely and educational toy that makes learning FUN-damental.

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