Thursday, August 27, 2009

Cognition; What does Your Child Think?

Cognitive development begins at infancy and continues through adolescence to adulthood. However, the first six years of a child’s growth and development are the most critical. The first three years of a child’s life is a period of incredible growth in all developmental areas. By age three a child’s brain has produced billions of cells and has made trillions of connections between these cells called synapses, which allows the various areas of the brain to communicate and function together. Studies show that the development of a child’s brain takes years to complete, which gives parents a window of opportunity to help their child establish educational and developmental patterns that will stimulate a life filled with learning experiences.

Educational toys provide both parent and child an avenue of fun filled interaction. Research has found that educational toys specifically designed and constructed to encourage and challenge the development of educational skills of children, when introduced into a child’s daily play, can increase a child’s IQ up to 50 points. Many educational toys provide an array of activities to enhance a child’s physical development, social skill development, emotional development, language development, creative development and cognitive development.

It is the desire of most parents to have their child become the smartest kid on the block. For a child to grow in a proper manner both educationally and developmentally it is important that parents re-evaluate continuously how they can assist their children to become successful and productive adults. You don’t have to wait until tomorrow. Parents can begin today providing their children with the correct educational tools that can cause their child to become, “The smartest kid on the block”.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Releasing the Creativity in Your Child

Creativity is essential as it provides a means for children to develop ideas and solutions for problem solving. When problems occur they do not always have an easy answer meaning that a solution may work at one particular time and although the circumstances may seem the same a new solution must be applied. Problem solving involves a creativeness that is flexible with the ability to adapt and apply thoughts and ideas resulting in a successful outcome. So when it comes to problem solving, children need to be challenged to make observations from various perspectives and to apply an array of solutions that they have developed through creative thinking.

Playing is important and the most natural way for children to learn and grow. Researchers have suggested that creative adults were most likely involved in imaginative play as children. Educational toys are an invitation to fun creative learning. They are an avenue to stimulate imagination as well as providing situations requiring problem solving. They open the door of socialization with other children which provides opportunities of how others think and feel. They provide a means of developing self-confidence as your child masters various ways to accomplish tasks which also builds their self-esteem. They are also useful in helping children discover various emotions as their self-expression bubbles forth.

Although we may take for granted such things as an automobile, a telephone, lighting and computers, it was the creative expression of ordinary people who broke the mold of popular thinking an achieved what most thought the impossible. But isn’t that the desire of all parents, that their children become more successful and productive than themselves? So parents help your child’s creative juices flow.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Building Your Child's Language Skills

During the first six years of a child's life the brain is most affected as it grows and matures. It is during this age that Speech and language development are most critical. The Broca’s area and the Wernicke”s area are the two main areas within the brains complex structure that gives the ability to process words that are spoken and written.

Language development can be defined as, the expression and vocalization of symbols and sounds as perceived and interpreted by an individual through the growing and learning process. Early childhood language development has been studied for well over a century, and today still posses the question, “How are languages organized in the brain?” Although most parents are not seeking to find the answer to this question, they are actually the best candidate when it comes to developing their child's speech and language skills. Depending on your child's age, the object is to constantly make sounds, say words and speak in complete sentences to your child. A fun way to challenge your child in language development is to introduce educational toys into their daily play time.

Educational Toys are a way for parents to open the door to the wonderful world of communication to their child. The construction and design of educational toys for this age group have several attributes that parents will find helpful and fun that will stimulate your child to verbalize thoughts, ideas and even emotions. So parents spend plenty of time interacting with your children, getting them to talk-it-up and before you know it, your child will begin to impress you with their vocabulary.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Emotional Development of You Child

The study of the emotional development of infants and children although relatively new questions the idea as to whether they are learned, predetermined or a combination of both in determining a child's emotional experiences, behavior and personality. Emotional development can be defined as the process of building self-esteem, self-awareness and self-confidence as well as recognizing and understanding various feelings and emotions.

A child's emotional development begins at infancy and grows through stages. Because children differ in growth and development there is no set formula that can be followed. However. parents can recognize their child's emotional development and respond through positive interaction. For instance, infants between six to twelve weeks typically smile and makes cooing sounds in response to a parents smile and joyful play.

A toddler has a sense of self-awareness, they begin to recognize that those around him or her have thoughts and feelings that differ from theirs which helps them in the development of empathy. As a toddlers language develops they will express empathy by using comforting words or through endearing physical contact, a hand on the shoulder, a pat on the back or a hug.

Preschoolers begin to regulate their emotional behavior as their emotional development continues to advance. They begin to adjust or alter their emotional expressions, attitude, tone of voice and facial expression as well as internalize various emotions.

By the time your child is ready for school they have developed a greater understanding of their emotions and the emotions of others. Through life experiences they begin understand the causes and consequences of emotions as well as develop their own theories of why or how others experience various emotions.

Studies show that educational toys can be a great asset to the emotional development of children. Their unique design will benefit your infant to six year old especially in the areas of relationship building, working through challenges and problem solving, which can build self-confidence and self-esteem.

Parents are the key to their child's emotional development. No matter if you have one child, six children or more, all children need a sense of comfort, safety, love, confidence and encouragement. Teach your children how to build strong positive relationships, help them to develop empathy, compassion as well as a sense of right and wrong. Show them how to solve problems and deal with challenges in a positive manner and most important, encourage, encourage, encourage.